Content Development and Instructional Design
Most of my content development and instructional design work during my 18+ years at IBM has been for internal use only, and IBM is adamant about not sharing such material. So, I am limited to what I can present here.

Financial Services Software
This internal software package was a wrapper for the various financial programs used by WMA. I used Quark Express, Microsoft Word, and RoboHelp to design and create the CD case, online help, and support documentation for the package and support team.
Webex with Ease
Everyone where I work has access to Webex *Meetings, Events, and Training), but most are hesitant to use it. I took it upon myself to create a video on how to use Webex Events the way that I used it for the many events that I hosted. I posted it to our internal servers and decided to make a copy for others who might find it useful on YouTube. With the onslaught of COVID-19 lockdowns, when remote work became the norm, The views increased to over 54,000.

Video Wrangling
Part of courseware engineering and hosting virtual events included the responsibility of managing 3 accounts with 47 channels and 14,000+ videos in IBM Video Streaming. I often received compliments for my ability to set up events and locate and work with videos and closed captions in a tool that is not the most intuitive.
SkillsBuild for Job Seekers
SkillsBuild is a three-pronged approach by IBM to reach a global audience—Job Seekers, Students, and Academia—to help learners earn credentials while learning job and technical skills. SkillsBuild offers courses in up to 17 languages.
These are examples of the courses that I helped create as editor, instructional designer, and courseware engineer..

IBM is adamant about not downloading and linking to ANY content. Therefore, to see the content below, you must create a free account on IBM SkillsBuild then use the search feature to access the content. As long as the courses are still active, you should be able to access them.
Mastering the Art of Prompting: Effective Instructions for AI Language Models: I presented the idea of creating a couple of short activities using ChatGPT. Through iteration, the design grew into a course on prompt writing.
Run AI Models with IBM Watson Studio: This course incorporates Articulate Storyline into Articulate Rise.
Ejecutar modelos de IA con IBM Watson Studio: This is the Spanish version of Run AI Models with IBM Watson Studio. Because of budget limitations and translation requirements, I had to develop the process for translating then rebuilding the course and simulations.
You can also go to SkillsBuild.org to try several courses for free without the need to register.
Patterns: I helped create and build these courses on topics like AI, Cybersecurity, and Design Thinking using IBM's Patterns tool.